May 03, 2010

WIP update - Haruni

I'm on Chart B.


There may be some expletives in there.


  1. Me too. After using the chart for section A, I switched to the written instructions for B. Don't know what was happening, but the chart for B was causing expletives here too. ARGH!! .... LOL

  2. It is intense isn't it wow! Just wait till you get to the bind off and like me can't crochet and have to do icord. I'm still so annoyed with it that I haven't blocked it. I need to buy some tig wire and something to block on.

  3. I keep ripping back rows and then finding a repeat that just doesn't quite work...don't want to rip back to the beginning of Chart B but think that may be the only option. It's so tempting to put it down and not pick it back up again!

    Think i'm also going to put stitch markers in each repeat so it's easier to read the stitches to make sure they all match up. But still. So much effort! Hope I don't end up as annoyed as you have, Celeritas...

  4. Ah yes, the stitchmarkers every repeat ... whilst they are a pain, they certainly are better than having to undo ... repeatedly!

    Though they can look pretty while you are knitting .... :)
