September 18, 2010

New Shop, Hooray!

Finally, after lots of late nights, frustrating moments (i've learned a lot, that's for sure!), and bursts of elation,

the new shop is here!

In it you will find, alongside the usual suspects, Knit Pro needles! And fingers crossed today will see the arrival of my Hazel Knits order...yum!

Happy knitting and have a wonderful weekend - the whole fam-damily is in Wellington for my little bro's 21st.


  1. I used it last night for new tips so I can do 2 sleeves at once on my current project.
    More aftershocks last night, I think for us last night would be the worst night of aftershocks as our cat panicked and got herself run over and killed.

  2. oh no, i'm so sorry to hear that. Big hugs and love coming your way (and your needle tips, of course)
