July 09, 2010

Knitted Knickers...

Thanks to here for the vintage knickers

and thanks to here for the nordic knickers by NZ's own Stolen Girlfriends Club

Holy frick it is cold! Get thee some knitted knickers, stat!

I'm actually really tempted to knit some. With a frilly bottom. I've been meaning to blog about these since I picked up the Winter Fashion Quarterly about 6 weeks ago. Ah, best of intentions. A bit odd, perhaps. 

Not sure about these ones from Knitty ... although the model does look very happy to be wearing them


Oh my goodness, if you have Ravelry, go check these ruffled babies out!

Hrrmmm can't seem to find the pattern I was really after...never mind. Have you knitted knickers? Would you be keen for a knit along? Anyone?

Keep cosy xx

1 comment:

  1. wow they look gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! could probably get away with wearing them over legging too ;)
